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Editor's Letter

  • Losing your locs?

    Losing your locs? - 7 common reasons for hair lossWho we are and how we feel is often expressed through our hair. Regardless of if hair is curly, straight, twisted, corn-rowed or locked; it is a universal sign of beauty, sensuality, fertility and attractiveness. Moreover, hair helps us to communicate our state of health. It also serves the function of protecting our heads and skin, adding not only a layer of insulation, but also more dimension to our personalities.

  • Osteoporosis - Natural Approaches

    Osteoporosis - Natural ApproachesOsteoporosis is a disease of the skeletal system characterized by deterioration of bone tissue and a reduction in bone mass. Osteoporosis results from a long-term disruption of skeletal homeostasis that is secondary to nutritional, physical, genetic, endocrine, and environmental factors.

  • Hygiene Routine Affecting Your Health?

    Is Your Hygiene Routine Affecting Your Health? - How to AdjustWe all do it. You know you’re guilty of it too. Want to know what I’m talking about? Personal hygiene. Do not get me wrong. This article is not going to tell you that personal hygiene is a bad thing, and shame on you for shampooing your hair and brushing your teeth.

  • Green Tea

    Green tea is a beverage made from the Camelia sinensis plant, a shrub native to Southern China that has been used through time for its many attributed benefits. It is of major cultural importance in Asia where it is known as China’s National Drink.

  • Schizophrenia - Adjunctive Naturopathic Care

    Schizophrenia - Adjunctive Naturopathic CareSchizophrenia is a mental health condition that involves a distortion of reality. The symptoms of schizophrenia vary depending on the patient, but are often described as either positive or negative symptoms (1). Positive symptoms are things that are not normally there, but that people with schizophrenia experience.

  • Hidradenitis suppurativa

    Menopause - The Hormonal Effects and Natural TherapiesDermatological conditions can often produce some of the most disturbing symptoms for patients to experience. They can be painful, itchy or release fluids, cause issues with self esteem and be constantly present as a reminder of an underlying condition.

  • Adrenal Fatigue

    Adrenal Fatigue - Naturopathic Treatment StrategiesDo you ever feel like the hardest part of your day is getting out of bed in the morning, no matter how much sleep you have had? Ever catch yourself dozing off at work and gaze up at the clock to realize that you still have a few more hours of your workday to go?

  • Menopause

    Menopause - The Hormonal Effects and Natural TherapiesMenopause is a natural transition that all women go through; it signifies the beginning of the life stage where women no longer have their period [1]. Menopause refers to the pause in menstruation

  • Psoriasis - Naturopathic Therapies

    Psoriasis - Naturopathic TherapiesPsoriasis is a chronic skin condition that may have varying levels of symptom intensity. It causes skin cells to grow very quickly, which results in thick silvery or red patches of skin [1]. Usually, skin cells grow and turn over once a month and new skin grows to replace the old skin.

  • Type 2 Diabetes

    Psoriasis - Naturopathic TherapiesType 2 diabetes is a condition where the body does not make enough insulin or is not sensitive to the insulin that is produced. Because insulin is needed to drive glucose into the many of the body’s cells, this leads to a state of chronic hyperglycemia (elevated sugar) in the blood. Early signs of hyperglycemia include polydipsia (increased thirst),

  • Uterine Fibroids

    Male InfertilityUterine fibroids (also known as leiomyomas) are solid pelvic tumors composed of connective tissue and muscle [1]. Leiomyomas vary in terms of size, shape, and location; if one leiomyoma is discovered chances are multiple exist. Leiomyomas are either submucosal (under the endometrium), intramural (within the uterine wall), or subserosal (in the outer wall of the uterus).

  • Carrageenan

    CarrageenanCarrageenan has been used as a food additive for decades. It is a red sea-weed derived high molecular weight hydrocolloid that is used as a stabilizer and thickener in food to make it more gel-like. It is mainly used in dairy and meat products because of strong binding properties. There are multiple varieties of carrageenan, but they are fairly similar

  • Urinary Tract Infections

    Urinary Tract InfectionsLower urinary tract infections (referred to as UTIs in this article) account for millions of doctor visits per year with the urinary tract being the second-most common site for infection. The term urinary tract infection refers to the presence of a certain number of bacteria in the urine, usually more than 100 000/mL. UTIs can occur in both men and women, however, they are about fifty times more common in women than men.

  • Male Infertility

    Male InfertilityThere is a new, growing interest in the field of male infertility, given the recent trends of declining conception over the past decade. The times are telling of families having fewer children, later in age and often having more difficulties with conception. Infertility can pose physical, psychological, financial and economic burden on individuals, the health care system and society.

  • Whole Body Cryotherapy

    Whole Body CryotherapyWhole-body cryotherapy (WBC) is a health promoting treatment that involves short exposures to air temperatures below −100°C [1]. WBC treatments last approximately 2-5 minutes and the frequency of treatments can vary based on the purpose of use. The patient is placed in a small cabin that emits a dry cold mist that is suctioned from a neighbouring liquid nitrogen tank.