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- 22 Dec 15
Prions refer to abnormal pathogens that are transmissible and cause problems in the brain. Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies are a group of diseases associated with the protease-resistant protein (PrP). The exact function of PrP is unknown, although it is thought to be involved in the transport of copper into cells, neuroprotection and neuronal communication.
- 03 Apr 14Sleeping can be complicated business! Those individuals with no difficulty achieving healthy, regular sleep would think it the simplest of physiologic phenomena. Roughly 30% of the population suffers from insomnia, however,[1] which has real and important health consequences, in addition to affecting quality of life. Even short-term sleep disruption is associated with metabolic problems, insulin insensitivity, poor blood-sugar control, increased body mass index (BMI), increased pain and inflammation levels, and even increased mortality.05 Jan 22
The stresses of the last two years have created an epidemic of anxiety. In 2021, the rates of anxiety disorders across the population in the US were estimated at 19.1% in the past year and 31.1% in lifetime prevalence, which refers to the number of individuals ever having had the disease during their lifetime.
01 May 21With spring come seasonally grown local foods and green leafy vegetables (GLV) become more desirable for quality, and especially for their overall health benefits. Examples of GLV include salads, kale, broccoli, collard greens, spinach, mustard greens, etc.
03 Jan 14Vitamin D3, also known as cholecalciferol or “the sunshine vitamin,” is an emerging nutrient with an array of potential therapeutic roles. In addition to its well-known role in bone health, vitamin D is being studied as an important agent in modulating immune function, mood, and cognitive function, as well as cardiovascular risk factors and protective effects against cancer development.
20 Sep 19What comes to mind when you hear the word “seizure?” Having a seizure and/or witnessing a seizure can be a scary event. When a seizure happens, the neurons in the brain excessively and abnormally fire anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes, which causes changes in bodily control, behavior, sensation, and perception.
02 Aug 19Forgetfulness is often considered a normal part of aging. As we get older, we might all expect to notice changes in our memory, ability to focus, multitask and problem solve. Dementia is when these changes in cognition begin to impact daily functioning. With an aging population, dementia is expected to become the leading cause of disability worldwide by 2020 (4). Current treatments for dementia are limited and do not have great success rates. Finding ways to prevent, or at the very least slow the process of, age-related cognitive decline is tremendously important.
19 Sep 19Naturopathic doctors are holistic practitioners and see the body with all its connections. We believe the basis of all disease and illness begins in the gastrointestinal tract and the organs of detoxification. After all, if the entire tube from your mouth to your rear end is considered the outside of your body, the only way you have access to the food you eat is through the processes of digestion and absorption
20 Sep 19The value of breastmilk continues to grow as we discover additional properties and health benefits. It contains all the nutrients that a newborn requires, except for vitamin D, and life protecting antibodies that are custom made by mom in response to the unique dangers of her environment. However, recent research continues to uncover hidden treasures within this elixir of life. This article will review new studies and discuss the implication for infant development.
13 Feb 17A current analysis of research has identified citicoline as an indirect yet potent therapeutic agent that has halted disease progression, and in some cases participated in regression of Alzheimer’s disease.
18 Dec 17Green tea is made from the leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis and has been used as a medicinal herb for over 4000 years. Many health benefits are attributed to the catechin and caffeine content, as well as that of the compound -theanine, accounting for about 50% of the total amino acids from these tea leaves.[1] In addition to chemoprotective properties, green-tea consumption has been shown to enhance...
12 Feb 20As Canadians, athletes are our celebrities. They win us championships and gain us worldwide recognition. They put our cities on the map and encourage future generations to continue their success. Because the retirement age for most sports is fairly young, we rarely hear about our celebrity athletes after they leave their sport. Hockey players, football players, and boxers all sustain tremendous amounts of head trauma over their career. Repetitive brain injury creates lasting effects on their physical and mental health, which we rarely hear about on the news.
19 Dec 22Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also referred to as seasonal depression, is a mood disorder recognized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DMV).
01 Dec 22The ability to both focus for long periods of time and perform cognitive and memory-related tasks is important in everyday life and for many careers. Due to our busy lifestyles and high work demands, aspects like the standard North American diet, stress, physical inactivity, and endocrine imbalances can lower mental performance and cognition.
08 Nov 1715 Nov 19Irritable bowel disease (IBD) includes ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD). It is one of the five most prevalent gastrointestinal diseases in the United States. People with IBD and other gastrointestinal diseases like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) suffer from the effects of damaged gut tissue due to inflammation. The symptoms are often life-altering, painful, and chronic.[1]
01 Oct 13$path = isset($_GET['q']) ? $_GET['q'] : '
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Phosphatidylcholine is an intriguing nutrient with a little-known but impressive range of functions in human health. Phosphatidylcholine is an essential phospholipid and serves as an important component of the cell membrane lipid bilayer as well as being an important source of choline, representing about 95% of choline tissue stores.01 Jul 13$path = isset($_GET['q']) ? $_GET['q'] : '
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North America is suffering from an epidemic of chronic inflammatory disease, caused by changes in our food supply, diet, and lifestyle. While you may be very familiar with joint or muscle inflammation, or with inflammatory diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and arthritis, you may not realize that we experience inflammation in our brain, or that when we look at the biochemistry behind depression, inflammation is considered a major contributing factor.26 Aug 13$path = isset($_GET['q']) ? $_GET['q'] : '
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Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is an increasingly common digestive condition, affecting up to 20% of individuals. IBS is protean in its manifestations, with symptoms variable from person to person, and can include a combination of any of the following symptoms: bloating, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, and cramping. It is not unusual for IBS to be intermittent; becoming worse for certain periods of time, easing for some time, and then flaring up again. Although IBS is not a life threatening disease, it is a nuisance26 Sep 13$path = isset($_GET['q']) ? $_GET['q'] : '
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From weight loss to memory to cholesterol regulation to everyday skincare, coconut oil has created quite the buzz in recent years about its effectiveness to address many common concerns. This may be surprising to some as Coconut oil was historically labelled as unhealthy, saturated oil, especially with respect to ischemic heart disease. While coconut oil is saturated, it is actually a very versatile, plant-based, health-promoting oil.
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