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- 03 Jan 22
A variety of natural agents are being explored for their use and applicability in the management of vitiligo, particularly in combination with conventional treatments such as phototherapy. Encompassing dietary, oral supplement, and even topical measures, we will explore a selection of such agents.
- 03 Jan 14
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?>Turmeric is a golden-color spice widely used in South Eastern and Middle Eastern cooking. Besides being a popular spice, it is also an important herb used in many disciplines of medicine. The medicinal use of turmeric dates back to 4000 years ago in India. It takes on many different names: Indian saffron, haldi, rhizoma curcumae (jiang huang), asterre merite.26 Feb 21In conditions that promote a leaky gut, the compounds of the food bolus that are usually kept safely in the intestinal lumina—including undigested food macromolecules, toxins, bacteria, or parts of bacteria known as endotoxins—has now the potential to pass through the fragile and unicellular mucosal membrane of the small intestine, and to reach the blood circulation.
30 Apr 19Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the result of a series of intricate changes within the body that ultimately lead to rapid decline physically, cognitively, and, of course, emotionally. Let’s look at the stats.
02 Jul 14Atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, is a chronic and/or relapsing inflammatory skin condition, which often begins in childhood and persists into adulthood. According to the World Allergy Association, the term “atopic” refers to the genetic predisposition to develop an allergic reaction and produce IgE antibodies in response to the exposure to an allergen, usually proteins.05 Jun 1728 Apr 22Diabetes will be one of the most challenging health problems in the 21st century. Currently, 8.8% of Canadians live with diabetes and six million Canadians have prediabetes. One in three Canadians is living with diabetes or prediabetes. Since 2000, the rate has increased by an average of 3.3% per year. Estimates suggest that, unless we intervene, one in three children born in 2000 will eventually develop diabetes.
25 May 16Down syndrome received its name in 1866, when John Langdon Down initially described this disorder. Down syndrome is more recently known as trisomy 21 (T21), which better describes the extra 21st chromosome that is distinctive for 95% of individuals with this genetic disorder.
07 Jan 22For centuries, mushrooms have been foraged and added to soups and stews for their robust nutritional profile. Fungi are much smarter than we think for what simple organisms they are.
05 Aug 1411 Mar 1606 Jan 22Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) happens when overall bacterial population increases abnormally in the small intestine—especially types of bacteria not commonly found in that part of the digestive tract. Once they reside in the small intestine, they can cause numerous symptoms because they ferment foods like fibres and sugars, which would normally occur in the large intestine.
03 Jan 14Vitamin D3, also known as cholecalciferol or “the sunshine vitamin,” is an emerging nutrient with an array of potential therapeutic roles. In addition to its well-known role in bone health, vitamin D is being studied as an important agent in modulating immune function, mood, and cognitive function, as well as cardiovascular risk factors and protective effects against cancer development.
17 Oct 19A cough is one of the most common reasons people visit their doctor. Coughs are annoying, they’re loud and can disrupt sleep for an entire household. With most viral infections, a cough can stick around up to 2 weeks after the infection has cleared. But when a cough lasts longer than 8 weeks, it warrants further investigation.[1]
21 Apr 18What if there was a way to measurably speed up recovery from acute injury, to enhance healing of surgical wounds, to resolve diabetic ulcers, or to mitigate or even reverse chronic degenerative joint pain?
02 Aug 19Spring has finally arrived and with it has come lots of sunshine, birds coming out to play, and unfortunately, also a lot of sneezing, runny noses, and congestion. For allergy sufferers, this time of year can be both a blessing and curse. While the most effective way to deal with your allergies is to prepare your body 2-3 months BEFORE "allergy season", there are still ways you can help reduce symptoms.
21 Apr 18Today, most schools are nut-free facilities, and laws have been passed to ensure proper labeling of all ingredients in a product. Still, many families struggle with the idea of keeping certain foods off the dinner table.
19 Sep 19Naturopathic doctors are holistic practitioners and see the body with all its connections. We believe the basis of all disease and illness begins in the gastrointestinal tract and the organs of detoxification. After all, if the entire tube from your mouth to your rear end is considered the outside of your body, the only way you have access to the food you eat is through the processes of digestion and absorption
20 Sep 19The value of breastmilk continues to grow as we discover additional properties and health benefits. It contains all the nutrients that a newborn requires, except for vitamin D, and life protecting antibodies that are custom made by mom in response to the unique dangers of her environment. However, recent research continues to uncover hidden treasures within this elixir of life. This article will review new studies and discuss the implication for infant development.
26 Feb 21According to Tolstoy, patience and time are the most powerful warriors. When it comes to the pandemic, they certainly seem to have been important allies. The time for vaccines has finally arrived. However, we have also been told to not let our guard down. Vaccines are not the only secure gateway, and encompassing a healthy lifestyle is still needed for effective herd immunity and to protect ourselves and our loved ones
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